B.A.P v BTOB Dance Battle


So…basically I feel BTOB owed BAP throughout the whole video…Ma BTOB feels.

Minzy’s YGonAir Me2Day Update

[me2DAY] 121220 YG On Air:
[2NE1] Here is the message Minji sent for the end of the year for YG’s Me2day friends! “YG’s me2DAY friends~Christmas is still coming but I’m giving a Christmas present in advance! It’s my bareface selcam ^^;;; “Be careful to not get a cold and I hope you’ll end 2012 well. In 2013 you’ll love an adult Mingkki more and more, right!?”

TAGS: A rare and sparkly pretty, a ve~ry pretty Miss Minji. It’s heartwarming just seeing it, right?

T/N: In the message, Minzy also used the term “죠” which is the high pitched squeal sound that the 2NE1 girls love to do in 2NE1 TV kk. So cute~♥

Source: YG On Air me2DAY
Translated by: pab0sarang@EROMAKNAE

She’s so cute, her bare face looks so young but she’s gonna be 20 soon…ma feels

SNSD’s I Got A Boy Photo Teasers


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Seohyun’s first photo, my own gripe is that her stomach looks strange at that angle, other wise both pictures, the styling is nice.

Tiffany’s pic is not bad, just wish her hair was a tad longer

Sunny’s facial expression looks so funny, I don’t like her knee highs…I think she’s the one that killed the unicorm *see group pic below*

Yoona’s pic would probably be my fav if she would have tilted her face up a bit more… too sharp.

Sooyoung’s is flawless

Jessica’s is bit…I can’t explain it…plain.

Yuri’s is okay

Taeyeon…what the hell with that hair

Group pic…why does Yuri’s head look so big, Tiffany doesn’t look like Tiffany, Sunny killed the unicorn T-T and someone smeared it’s blood all over the place.

I think they’ll look better once they are in motion…mv should be here soon.

Afrodino’s Cameleon MV

Afrodino was an indie group who won the YG & HYUNDAI CARD “RE-MONSTER” project. YGE helps them out with the songs, production and stuff.



I liked the song…the mv is confusing, I have no idea what the relevant of the mv is to the song. It could be because I don’t know the lyrics of the song.


The Band’s twitter is @bandafrodino

SNSD’s Dancing Queen MV


So I listened/watched some of this and…I hate it. Gee is my least favorite SNSD song and this is worse to me…the dancing? WTF..WhytheFuck?

I couldn’t make it through the whole mv…just couldn’t.