Old Drama Spotlight ~ Lobbyist

Aired: 2007


This drama is about a female lobbyist dealing with international arms traders. Kang Tae Hyuk is a successor of a main munitions business company in Korea. He is a young businessman with perfect appearance using a refined phraseology. He has an innate ability as a lobbyist and is a master schemer. He plans to sweep over the whole of Asia.


cr: dramawiki

This drama is one I consider my first Korean drama love, even though I had seen kdramas before that. I loved this drama so much. It had action, mystery, heartbreaking moments and I love the main female character.  This is a revenge type drama. From the beginning the drama held my interest and didn’t let it go, I hoped that it wasn’t gonna end up like the standard  endings at that time(a main character dying) and while I won’t tell the ending just know, I was content with it.

Sadly, in real life the main female character, Jang Jin Young, died from stomach cancer back in ’09. I can’t watch the drama anymore yet because I get sad thinking about her.